Use "taliban|taleban" in a sentence

1. The Taliban now call the shots.

2. Their family had fled the Taliban.

3. Kandahar was once a key Taliban stronghold.

4. Function: (a) Second secretary, Taliban “Embassy”, Islamabad, Pakistan, (b) First Secretary, Taliban “Embassy”, Islamabad, Pakistan, (c) “Ambassador” at Large, (d) Head of United Nations Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Taliban regime.

5. Khairullah, along with his business partner Satar, provided thousands of dollars to the Taliban to support Taliban activities in Afghanistan.

6. Iran Cultivates Taliban Ties to Gain Leverage, Experts Say

7. Pakistan's military continuing offensive against Taliban along Afghan border.

8. It is modelled on the older Afghan Taliban movement.

9. Function: (a) Second secretary, Taliban “Embassy”, Islamabad, Pakistan (b) First Secretary, Taliban “Embassy”, Islamabad, Pakistan, (c) “Ambassador” at Large, (d) Head of United Nations Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Taliban regime.

10. Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan claimed responsibility of attack.

11. Pakistan already has the capacity to take on the Taliban.

12. The Taliban maintained a military during their period of control.

13. Muttaqi, Amir Khan (Taliban representative in UN-led talks).

14. Taliban gains drive Afghanistan gov’t to arm local volunteers

15. Following the edict, the Taliban destroyed several more local schools.

16. Under the Taliban Buzkashi was banned, it was considered harem, forbidden

17. WFP promptly told the Taliban to stop its " baseless allegations " .

18. The Taliban adamantly claimed to be restricting Bin Laden's activities.

19. Shoot down the Taliban fighter with RPK on his shoulder.

20. Amir Khan Motaqi is considered to be a prominent member of the Taliban and also served as Minister of Information and Culture during the Taliban regime.

21. Meanwhile, the Taliban had given the hijackers ten hours to leave Afghanistan.

22. Sir, has the External Affairs Minister said that India is alright with talks with Taliban, that is the US talking to Taliban, as far as the Afghan reconciliation is concerned?

23. At the Press conference he addressed, he said clearly that the attempt to talk to the Taliban was essentially a conversation they want with the willing Taliban.

24. Like the Taliban, the Northern Alliance has aided and abetted terrorists.

25. She had to leave her country when the Taliban took over in 1992.

26. Antigovernment elements continued to attack religious leaders who spoke against the Taliban

27. What is the status of the Afghan Government's talks with the Taliban?

28. 11 These are the same Pashtun tribesman whose descendants are today's Taliban.

29. My first business was a dressmaking business I started under the Taliban.

30. What took him back to Afghanistan was the rise of the Taliban.

31. In addition to his financial support, Faizullah has otherwise facilitated Taliban training and operations.

32. The Taliban want these children to hate the world that they currently live in.

33. Function: Deputy Minister of Preventing Vice and Propagating Virtue of the Taliban regime.

34. The Taliban Close in on Afghan Cities, Pushing the Country to the Brink

35. He also stated: The Taliban are not a force to be considered invincible.

36. Some consider it a move towards greater Talibanization (aggrandizing of Taliban thoughts) in Pakistan.

37. US troops moved into the Afghan mountains in an offensive to stop Taliban insurgence.

38. His declared aim is to shift the military focus to Afghanistan, where the Taliban has resurgent.

39. A deal with the Taliban provides a measure of the challenge facing the Obama administration.

40. US bombing raids continue around the clock...... attacking Taliban tanks and trenches north of Kabul

41. Overthrow of the Taliban regime after 9 11 by an alliance lead by the US.

42. 22 This week 100 Taliban marched from Swat into neighbouring Buner and killed a tribesman.

43. Violence in Afghanistan is at its highest level since the Taliban ouster in late 200

44. Within days the Taliban in Swat moved further, taking control of the local administration, police, and schools.

45. Grounds for listing: Minister of Department of Preventing Vice and Propagating Virtue of the Taliban regime.

46. It has defeated communism and Nazism and has intervened against the Taliban and Serbian ethnic cleansing."

47. Effectively, the Taliban create a complete blackout of any other source of information for these children.

48. He said such operations risked alienating local tribes whose support is vital for defeating Taliban militants.

49. natural or legal persons, entities, bodies and groups associated with Al-Qaida, the Taliban and Usama bin Laden

50. However little action was seen, with no Al-Qaeda or Taliban forces being found or engaged.

51. Army Captain Craig Squire had been captured by the Taliban, held hostage in the Kandahar province.

52. The Taliban cannot be sufficiently weakened in Pashtun Afghanistan to coerce it to the negotiating table.

53. Yesterday, after weeks of rapid advance as US forces withdrew from Afghanistan, the Taliban took Kabul, the capital

54. With the Taliban takeover the militants came within 60 miles (97 km) of the capital of Pakistan, Islamabad.

55. The Afghan Ministry of Defense tweeted that an Airstrike in Nimroz province had targeted a Taliban hideout

56. The five men, all high-ranking members of the Taliban government: Wakil Ahmad Muttawakil, former foreign minister.

57. They believe that boosting allied forces will only increase the sense of occupation and give the Taliban more targets.

58. Islamabad's relationship with the Taliban-affiliated Haqqani network has precipitated a crisis in its relationship with Washington.

59. Then they ship them off, hundreds of miles away to hard-line schools that run along the Taliban agenda.

60. “If, as it seems, American taxpayers are indirectly Arming the Taliban this way,” reflected Roggio, “the U.S

61. The Taliban seem to have been taken aback by the public and media reaction to the attack.

62. WOLFOWITZ: We started in April with the notion of Attriting (ph) the Taliban by assisting the Northern Alliance.

63. A 1998 document by the U.S. State Department confirmed that "20–40 percent of Taliban soldiers are Pakistani."

64. Biden's living in fantasyland with this endgame The tragedy of Afghanistan is that the Taliban were always going to prevail

65. Unlike the anti-Soviet mujahideen, who were backed by America, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, the Taliban have no superpower sponsor.

66. Afghanistan people cut up rough to sue to pull Dan and it the Tao of henchman Taliban day criminal acts.

67. Other information: (a) Prominent Taliban financier. (b) As of mid- 2009, supplied weapons, ammunition, explosives and medical equipment to Taliban fighters; raised funds for the Taliban, and provided training to them, in the Afghanistan/Pakistan border region. (c) Has previously organized and funded Taliban operations in Kandahar Province, Afghanistan. (d) As of 2010, travelled to and owned businesses in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, and Japan. (e) Belongs to Noorzai tribe, Miralzai sub-tribe. (f) Brother of Malik Noorzai. (g) Father’s name is Akhtar Mohammed (alias: Haji Mira Khan).

68. As the Taliban gains ground, Buzkashi—an ancient contest akin to polo with a carcass as the ball—is losing

69. The Taliban army possessed over 400 T-54/55 and T-62 tanks and more than 200 armoured personnel carriers.

70. Readers catch a glimpse into the lifestyle of Afghans in Taliban controlled Kabul in the novel The Breadwinner

71. They strongly condemned the continued terrorist attacks by the Taliban on aid –workers, civilians, Afghan and international forces.

72. Elite troops had just spent five days attacking the Taliban bastion of Gul Tepa north-west of Kunduz.

73. Intelligence shows that the Bounties, which Russia offered to militants with ties to the Taliban, led to multiple U.S

74. A week earlier Clinton had accused the Pakistani government of "basically abdicating to the Taliban and to the extremists."

75. The older members of the Taliban, the fighters, start talking to the younger boys about the glories of martyrdom.

76. Afghanistan Buries Another Empire What would have been unthinkable 20 years ago is today a very real possibility: a Taliban victory

77. Some were deterred by the Taliban, who said they would chop off voters' fingers, and around 400 attacks on polling day.

78. 19 Pakistan's ambassador in Washington, Husain Haqqani, vehemently denied claims the country's intelligence agency, the ISI,( had backed the Taliban.

79. (New York) – Afghans at heightened risk of persecution from advancing Taliban forces are in urgent need of evacuation and

80. I was afraid going to school because the Taliban had issued an edict banning all girls from attending schools.